
TakeouttheYouTuberswhoquit(KSI),takeoutthefacesnoonerecognises,takeout80%ofthefidgetspinnerscenes,givethebiggerYouTubers(Vanoss, ...,2017年12月6日—#YouTubeRewindisbackandwe'reinlovewithTheShapeof2017.Thisyear,yougaveusyourbestreggaetonmoves,witnessedaneclipse, ...,^YouTubeSpotlight.YouTubeRewind2017:BehindtheScenes|#YouTubeRewind.YouTube.December6,2017[December8,2018].(原始内容存档于October31...

YouTube Rewind

Take out the YouTubers who quit (KSI), take out the faces no one recognises, take out 80% of the fidget spinner scenes, give the bigger YouTubers (Vanoss, ...

It's time for #YouTubeRewind

2017年12月6日 — #YouTubeRewind is back and we're in love with The Shape of 2017. This year, you gave us your best reggaeton moves, witnessed an eclipse, ...


^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2017: Behind the Scenes |#YouTubeRewind. YouTube. December 6, 2017 [December 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于October 31, 2018).

YouTube Rewind

On December 6, 2017, YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017 was uploaded onto the YouTube Spotlight YouTube Channel. The title refers to Ed Sheeran's hit song, ...